The need for ecologically attuned therapeutic interventions is both obvious and immediate, but what might those interventions look like? What does therapy have to offer? How can we hold safe spaces for others when we feel anything but safe ourselves?
In lieu of planned training events this year, this 7 session online programme is a pragmatic response to the immediate challenges of practising therapy during this time of global crisis.
The climate emergency is new territory. Through necessity, we are learning ecotherapy by practising it and this will be the focus of the group. We will draw upon western psychology, indigenous wisdom, Irish language and whatever else reveals itself to us. We will listen to ourselves, our dreams, the other-than-human and each other. Hopefully we will laugh together, we will probably cry together and we are likely to be angry together. We will process whatever we need to process, to support ourselves and each other, so that we can support our clients.
Bring your questions, but don’t expect off-the-peg answers. This will be a bespoke process group.
With a maximum of 12 participants, the programme is facilitated by Matthew Henson and Fiona Roche. We are both ICP (IAHIP) accredited psychotherapists and trained ecopsychologists. We bring a range of complimentary energies, qualities and experiences to the group.
Following the turning of the year between September and March equinoxes, we will meet online, every third Saturday of each month from 9.30am to 1.30pm. The cost is €100 per four hour session.
Further info / booking: info@matthewhenson.ie