about relationship therapy
What is relationship therapy?
As the name suggests, relationship therapy is a form of psychotherapy and counselling with the focus on a particular relationship or relationships, where all of the people involved take part. There are many different models for this kind of therapy. I offer relationship therapy in line with the principles of existential psychotherapy. This means that I view all problems within relationships as being co-created. I do not diagnose, pathologise or blame. Instead I aim to facilitate a process where you can make sense of the complex dynamics for yourselves. I encourage you to take responsibility for understanding and expressing your own needs and I promote an atmosphere of collaborative and respectful exploration.
Who is it for?
I offer relationship therapy to anyone in a relationship. This includes all types of couples (regardless of marital status, sexual orientation, etc), family relationships and any other relationship where some form of mediation could be helpful.
What should we expect?
Usually we would arrange a time to meet for one or two initial consultation sessions. These can be either online or at my practice room in Kinsale, depending upon your preferences and needs. During these sessions I will invite you to say a little about whatever it is that prompted you to seek relationship therapy and I will encourage you to ask any questions that might help you decide whether I am the right person for you to work with. We will also take some time to discuss confidentiality, practicalities and contract.
Once we have agreed to work together, the process will develop at a pace which feels right for you. Usually this will include weekly sessions, some of which will be individual and some joint. I aim to provide a safe space where whatever needs to emerge can find expression. This usually involves talking and listening, but non-verbal communication, together with other creative forms of expression, are all encouraged and welcome as equally valuable in the process of exploration. We will usually meet at my practice room in Kinsale or online.
How much does it cost?
Initial and subsequent joint sessions are 75 minutes long and charged at €120 including VAT.
Individual 50 minute sessions are charged at €80 including VAT.