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Embodying Place & Time



weekend ecotherapy workshop, sligo

with Therese O’Driscoll and Matthew Henson

Fri (eve) 26 April – Sun (lunchtime) 28 April 2024

Therapy never happens in a bubble, it always has a setting, a physical place and time, and a socio-political context. This weekend workshop offers an introduction to embodying place and time in the therapeutic encounter.


Employing an ecotherapy lens and integrating western psychological wisdom with indigenous traditions, we will draw upon a wide range of creative and experiential training methods, embracing spontaneity to meet and explore whatever emerges. Through practices that bring us fully into our bodies, we will find our therapeutic ground by connecting with ourselves, each other and the other-than-human ‘natural’ world. We can never be anywhere other than where we are, so that is where we will start, with a phenomenological exploration of this place, this time, here and now.


The workshop is aimed at practising psychotherapists, counsellors, art therapists, dance movement therapists, psychologists, etc, or students in those disciplines. It might also be of interest to anyone in the broader caring professions; social workers, teachers, youth workers, medical practitioners, alternative and complementary practitioners, etc. It is equally suited to those looking to work in an ecologically informed way with clients and to individuals looking for ecologically informed personal development. The workshop can serve as a standalone experience, or as an introduction to an in-depth, year-long programme we are intending to run in 2024 / 25. No previous formal qualifications are required.



The workshop will take place at Cabragh Lodge, a beautiful remote and scenic space set in the Ox Mountains, dedicated to nature-based group process. The cost of the 15 CPD hour workshop, including facilitation by two trainers, two nights’ shared lodge accommodation, two lunches and one dinner, is €395 (€385 early bird, if booked before 12 February).

Therese and I are both registered psychotherapists (IAHIP) with more than 50 combined years in practice. Therese is also an accredited supervisor, offering eco-supervision. Her work integrates an interest in the healing relationship, our relationship with nature and the use of creativity. Working through words, poetry, dreams, the body moving and dialogue with place, she offers a safe, contained and healing space. I am also a qualified psychotherapy trainer and draw upon my training in existential-phenomenology and wild therapy to facilitate deeper human-nature connectedness. I am particularly interested in the therapeutic mutuality and existential wholeness which occurs when we fully engage with the other-than-human.

Further details or to book a place, please email me: 


or contact Therese: 


We look forward to either meeting you for the first time, or working with you again.



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